What is OBS Studio? The Restaurant Analogy

Learning time: 10 min

OBS Studio is a software that helps you creating engaging online presentations.

What are you up for tonight? A quick bite or a 5 Michelin stars restaurant?

I’d like to introduce you to OBS with a restaurant analogy. Think about a restaurant where you are the chef.

In the restaurant we find:
  • The dining room where the guests eat at their table
  • The kitchen where you prepare the tasty courses. Inside the kitchen there’s you, the chef with the ingredients and the cooking pans
  • The waiter, who takes the plate from the kitchen and serves the course to the guests

OBS is your kitchen

In this analogy you can consider:
  • The restaurant as your overarching project
  • OBS is the kitchen where you put the ingredients (media, graphic elements, camera etc) in the cooking pan (a scene) and prepare your presentation (the course)
  • The table where the guests eat is your videoconferencing platform where your audience "consumes" your presentation
  • The "waiter" that takes the presentation from the kitchen (OBS) and serves it on the table (your videoconference) is the virtual camera

Time for a knowledge check before we move to the next lesson, where we'll download and install OBS Studio.