Profiles and scene collections
Learning time: 15 min
Let's start exploring the OBS building blocks by creating a new scene collection.
Let's start exploring the OBS building blocks by creating a new scene collection.
Scene collections
A scene collection is similar to a Powerpoint or Keynote presentation file. It's the sequence of scenes (slides in Powerpoint) that constitute the presentation. You can create a new scene collection for each different presentation. You can also create a scene collection as a presentation template that you can duplicate, re-use and customize for future presentations.
Scene collections can be exported, shared, and imported by other users. This is useful if you want to create or use a branded template across your team. Important: if you export or import a scene collection, you also have to share or have access to the media files associated with the scene.
To learn about OBS sources let's create a new scene collection and call it "Remote presentation hero"
Let's say you use OBS for live presentations on Zoom as well as for recording vertical videos that need to be consumed on a mobile. For this purpose you can set up two different profiles with different settings (output window size).
In this course we will work with only one profile with the settings that we have set up at the beginning. However, you're free to create your custom profiles according to your needs.
Create a new scene collection that you will use to practice in this first part of the course. In the next lessons we will be adding, modifying, and deleting sources. If, during your learning journey, you do something that you want to preserve from future modifications, you may create an additional scene collection and call it something like "my best scenes".
In the next lesson you are going to learn how to add your camera source and optimize its settings