Meet OBS: the Graphic User Interface

Learning time: 10 min

The Graphic User Interface

The OBS interface is....grey. Probably not the most appealing graphics you've seen, but don't worry, you'll love it.

Let's get familiar with it and start knowing what is what.

The preview and output window
It's the black large rectangle in the center. This is where you'll see what you are cooking and it's also what your audience will see when you are live in the videocall. It's your eyes on the cooking pan while you prepare the meal as well as on the final course.

Scenes panel
Scenes are the empty containers that you will fill with the ingredients. You will cook a course in each scene and, when ready, the final scene will be one of the courses of the menu you are serving to the audience.

Sources panel
By clicking on "+" you open the ingredients cupboard. You select what you need (camera, microphone, media, etc.) and then add it to the scene.

Audio mixer
Whenever you add an audio source to your project, you will see the audio meter for that source appearing hear

Transitions define how you move from one scene to the other one. You can see them as the animation that takes from one "slide" to the next one (e.g. cut, fade, swipe etc.)

We'll get to know the interface in detail throughout the course. The only other things you have to know at this point are:
  • The virtual camera button: click it at the bottom right to send the OBS output to the videocall
  • How to access the settings: you can do it either by clicking on the button at the bottom right or by going to the File menu and then Settings.
  • You can resize and move around all panels. Customize the interface how you prefer! In this course I will be working with the default look.

Let's quickly pause for a knowledge checkpoint. In the next lesson you'll create your first simple scene with camera, lower third and logo and send it to your videconferencing platform.